September 29, 2014

College Volleyball Scholarship Renewals

Hi Coach,
I've learned so much from your blog and book; however, I do have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to.

My daughter is a freshman receiving a full scholarship.  We know the coaches have received commitments from two high school seniors to play OH (my daughter's position), bring the total of OHs to 5.  My daughter has not played yet this season (although there is a lot left)
it seems her coaches are not planning to utilize her.  

At what point is the coach obligated to let our daughter know if she will receive another full scholarship for next season?
Thanks, T.B.

Thank you for your email and sorry this is something which you need information on.

Per NCAA rules, renewals or non-renewals must be presented before the end of the annual academic term (May or June depending upon each school).

There are two critical time segments when it comes to current student-athletes and scholarships.  Post season meetings will occur either in late November/early December or when school starts after the Holiday break.  During these meetings, coaches will often let players know if they will be cut from the program and steps will be taken to provide the player a Permission to Contact Letter so they can pursue other playing opportunities.  

The second time segment is after the end of the spring season, where coaches may meet again with the student-athletes.  Some coaches will tell a returner at this late juncture whether they will return based upon the player's spring performance or based upon the success of the program in recruiting another player in the same position.

If the program has post season meetings before the Holiday break, and if your daughter is concerned, she needs to point blank ask the coach if she will remain on scholarship.  

What you absolutely don't want to happen, is for your daughter to be told she will not have her scholarship renewed in the late spring.  By this time, the other playing/scholarship opportunities for next fall will be tremendously reduced. Unfortunately, too many college programs will tell an athlete so late in the spring that they are being cut, that it does not allow the player to find another home.

Good luck!

Coach Sonnichsen

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